Libanon (side 1/9)
1970-1979 Nest

Viser nå: Libanon - Postfrimerker (1960 - 1969) - 444 frimerker.

[Airmail - The 25th Anniversary of Friends of the Tree Society, type GC] [Airmail - The 25th Anniversary of Friends of the Tree Society, type GC1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
654 GC 20Pia 0.80 - 0.53 - USD  Info
655 GC1 40Pia 1.06 - 0.80 - USD  Info
654‑655 1.86 - 1.33 - USD 
1960 Cedar of Lebanon

VM: Ingen Perforering: 13 x 13½

[Cedar of Lebanon, type GD] [Cedar of Lebanon, type GD1] [Cedar of Lebanon, type GD2] [Cedar of Lebanon, type GD3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
656 GD 0.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
657 GD1 1Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
658 GD2 2.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
659 GD3 5Pia 0.53 - 0.27 - USD  Info
656‑659 1.34 - 1.08 - USD 
1960 Airmail - General Post Office - Overprinted "LIBAN"

February VM: Ingen Perforering: 13½ x 13

[Airmail - General Post Office - Overprinted "LIBAN", type GE]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
660 GE 20Pia 0.80 - 0.53 - USD  Info
1960 Airmail - President Fouad Chehab

12. March VM: Ingen Perforering: 14

[Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF1] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF2] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF3] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF4] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF5] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF6] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF7] [Airmail - President Fouad Chehab, type GF8]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
661 GF 5Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
662 GF1 10Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
663 GF2 15Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
664 GF3 20Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
665 GF4 30Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
666 GF5 40Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
667 GF6 50Pia 0.80 - 0.27 - USD  Info
668 GF7 70Pia 1.06 - 0.27 - USD  Info
669 GF8 100Pia 2.65 - 0.80 - USD  Info
661‑669 6.13 - 2.96 - USD 
1960 Inauguration of Arab League Centre, Cairo

23. March VM: Ingen Perforering: 13 x 13½

[Inauguration of Arab League Centre, Cairo, type GH]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
670 GH 15Pia 0.53 - 0.53 - USD  Info
1960 Airmail - World Refugee Year

7. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 13½ x 13

[Airmail - World Refugee Year, type GI] [Airmail - World Refugee Year, type GI1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
671 GI 25Pia 0.80 - 0.53 - USD  Info
672 GI1 40Pia 1.06 - 0.80 - USD  Info
671‑672 1.86 - 1.33 - USD 
1960 Airmail - Martyrs' Commemoration

6. May VM: Ingen Perforering: 13 x 13½

[Airmail - Martyrs' Commemoration, type GJ] [Airmail - Martyrs' Commemoration, type GJ1] [Airmail - Martyrs' Commemoration, type GK]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
673 GJ 20Pia 0.53 - 0.27 - USD  Info
674 GJ1 40Pia 0.80 - 0.53 - USD  Info
675 GK 70Pia 2.12 - 0.80 - USD  Info
673‑675 3.45 - 1.60 - USD 
1960 Airmail - Visit of King Mohammed V of Morocco

1. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 13 x 13½

[Airmail - Visit of King Mohammed V of Morocco, type GL] [Airmail - Visit of King Mohammed V of Morocco, type GL1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
676 GL 30Pia 0.80 - 0.53 - USD  Info
677 GL1 70Pia 1.59 - 0.80 - USD  Info
676‑677 2.39 - 1.33 - USD 
1960 President Fouad Chehab

VM: Ingen Perforering: 14

[President Fouad Chehab, type GM] [President Fouad Chehab, type GM1] [President Fouad Chehab, type GM2] [President Fouad Chehab, type GM3] [President Fouad Chehab, type GM4] [President Fouad Chehab, type GM5] [President Fouad Chehab, type GM6]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
678 GM 0.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
679 GM1 2.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
680 GM2 5Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
681 GM3 7.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
682 GM4 15Pia 0.53 - 0.27 - USD  Info
683 GM5 50Pia 1.06 - 0.27 - USD  Info
684 GM6 100Pia 2.65 - 0.53 - USD  Info
678‑684 5.32 - 2.15 - USD 
1960 Airmail - Mother and Child Days

16. August VM: Ingen Perforering: 13½ x 13

[Airmail - Mother and Child Days, type GN] [Airmail - Mother and Child Days, type GN1] [Airmail - Mother and Child Days, type GO] [Airmail - Mother and Child Days, type GO1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
685 GN 20Pia 0.53 - 0.27 - USD  Info
686 GN1 20+10 Pia 0.53 - 0.27 - USD  Info
687 GO 60Pia 1.59 - 1.06 - USD  Info
688 GO1 60+15 Pia 2.12 - 1.06 - USD  Info
685‑688 4.77 - 2.66 - USD 
1960 Airmail - World Lebanese Union Meeting, Beirut

20. September VM: Ingen Perforering: 13½ x 13

[Airmail - World Lebanese Union Meeting, Beirut, type GP] [Airmail - World Lebanese Union Meeting, Beirut, type GQ] [Airmail - World Lebanese Union Meeting, Beirut, type GR]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
689 GP 20Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
690 GQ 40Pia 0.80 - 0.53 - USD  Info
691 GR 70Pia 1.06 - 0.53 - USD  Info
689‑691 2.13 - 1.33 - USD 
[Arabian Oil Congress, Beirut - Overprinted, type GS] [Arabian Oil Congress, Beirut - Overprinted, type GT]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
692 GS 5Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
693 GT 15Pia 0.80 - 0.27 - USD  Info
692‑693 1.07 - 0.54 - USD 
[Airmail - World Refugee Year - Issues of 1960 Surcharged, type GU] [Airmail - World Refugee Year - Issues of 1960 Surcharged, type GV]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
694 GU 20+10 Pia 10.60 - 10.60 - USD  Info
695 GV 30+15 Pia 12.72 - 12.72 - USD  Info
694‑695 23.32 - 23.32 - USD 
1961 Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy

12. January VM: Ingen Perforering: 13

[Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy, type GW] [Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy, type GX] [Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy, type GY]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
696 GW 2.50+2.50 Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
697 GX 5+5 Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
698 GY 7.50+7.50 Pia 0.53 - 0.53 - USD  Info
696‑698 1.07 - 1.07 - USD 
1961 Airmail - Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy

12. January VM: Ingen Perforering: 13

[Airmail - Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy, type GZ] [Airmail - Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy, type HA] [Airmail - Olympic Games - Rome 1960, Italy, type HB]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
699 GZ 15+15 Pia 2.65 - 2.65 - USD  Info
700 HA 25+25 Pia 2.65 - 2.65 - USD  Info
701 HB 35+35 Pia 2.65 - 2.65 - USD  Info
699‑701 7.95 - 7.95 - USD 
1961 President Fouad Chehab

February VM: Ingen Perforering: 13½ x 13

[President Fouad Chehab, type HC] [President Fouad Chehab, type HC1] [President Fouad Chehab, type HC2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
702 HC 2.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
703 HC1 7.50Pia 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
704 HC2 10Pia 0.53 - 0.27 - USD  Info
702‑704 1.07 - 0.81 - USD 


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